Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Week 3 Learning Express Library

I have known about Learning Express Library for a long time, but haven't spent any time using this database. Even thought I may grumble about the "homework", I am glad I am finally taking the challenge.  The work isn't hard and it has opened my eyes up to what is really available.  So, as I try to answer this week's questions you may find me veering off course as I found things that were more for me.

I first went to the Adult Learning Center and discovered I could built my math skills, become a better reader, improve my writing, speaking and grammar and become a US citizen.  I think all of these would be great for anyone who has trouble with these areas.

Then, I went to the Career Center and prepare for an exam.  There were several to chose from and none of them were what I would be looking for.  But, I chose Culinary Arts and the practice exam with 115 questions.  I do a lot of cooking so figured I should know those answers.  But, even the practice exam was hard and it scored on several different parts...not just cooking.  It was very interesting to take this exam and I can see where these exams would help an adult or student prepare for the real exams.

In the Career Center I also went to Job Search and Workplace Skills.  The information on writing a resume was excellent.  I wish I would have had it last semester when I wrote my first resume. (Well, in reality I did have it, just didn't know it.)

My favorite was the College Center.  I found the Public Speaking - 20 simple lessons ebook.  It is a pdf and 196 pages long titled "Public speaking success in 20 minutes a day".  Since I will be taking public speaking in college next semester I know I will be coming back to this center for advice and help.


Jane Heitman Healy said...

Eureka, NWRL! You found a gold mine here! Glad you finally got a chance to dig around in here. Hope you will show it to patrons who may be in need of academic or career improvement. Thanks for your comments!

Karen Rickert said...


I also chose to take the culinary arts exam. It has a plethora of information and I may just use the Learning Express Library exam again to learn more about cooking/baking/prepping food.

Great blog - it sure is fun to learn sometimes.